Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Secret in Print Prices!

One of the questions I ask myself, is why do Professional Photographers charge so much for their prints!
The average photographer charges $30 for an 8x10 and often times the same for a 5x7!! But the question is why??
The answer is for profit! Granite, it is our business and our way of living, but at the same time how can people afford this? Don't get me wrong, even as a photographer and a business women I strive to gain profit, but the margin of profit isn't as big!
One of the things most Pro Photographer's will say is that "We use a pro printing company and that cost more!" Well, the secret is it only cost pennies more than what you can get at most chain stores!!
So, then you may ask, "why are you telling me this, aren't you a professional photographer?" Well, in fact I am, but even as a professional photographer I truly find it hard to believe that charging $30 for one picture is worth it, to both myself or the client. I, just like the other photographers out there use the professional printing companies and yes I look to gain a profit from my prints, but the margin of profit isn't nearly has much as others.
With this said, I am not saying to not use professional photographers!! By all means I encourage everyone to hire them! But, What i do suggest to everyone is to not only look at there work, but consider there print prices!!!

FYI: My prints run $12.99 for an 8x10. From what I am told this is even cheaper than Sears or Walmart!

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